As November draws to a close I reflected on my bias with the month. A time of gray and cold or as Thomas Hood wrote in his poem “No”:
No sun–no moon!
No morn–no noon–
No dawn–no dusk–no proper time of day–
No sky–no earthly view–
No distance looking blue …No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds,
November!(to read the poem in its entirety click HERE)

During these past few weeks I reread this poem in my head, especially as I walked through a park with the dog I care for. She kept her nose to the ground where a carpet of fallen leaves contrasted the gray of the day with bright reds, yellows and oranges. This natural collage ignited the idea of a work with leaves spread upon the ground, an autumnal carpet helping to warm my chilled feelings towards November.
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