I was struck today with the celebration of two men, Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday and the inauguration of President Trump. The former led with courage, compassion, principled on justice, equality, and human dignity.
My thoughts turned to the liberties that I have, where in other parts of the world do not exist. How our country has worked to allow the same liberties for all, regardless of how they look, speak, what zip code they were born in, and who they love. The work has not been perfect, yet the intentions are strong.
I have little artwork to represent this, then I remembered a small pen and ink wash sketch (based on a picture from the 1st Edition of Life Magazine) of a black woman pouring from a bottle to a glass. She, as all other Americans, deserve the rights to tranquility. She has liberties for opportunities, from the basic ability to put food on her table to receiving equality in all its forms.

It is my hope that with time the country will be led by the principles of the US Constitution’s Preamble to “… promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity …” that is to serve all so that they may thrive for this and future generations following Martin Luther King’s vision with courage, compassion, principled on justice, equality and human dignity.
Amen, to all of the above.