Oil pastel on paper. Often we hear someone say “I found a new [fill in the blank]” such as an object, relationship, or place. My experience is frequently the opposite, where the “something” finds us. So I imagine the hat finding the young boy in this piece.
Hi, it is exciting that you are considering a blog. Starting a blog is not difficult, there are free options (I began with BlogSpot) which is a nice way to begin if funds are tight. I eventually moved to WordPress and purchased a theme for artists, there are many good free one’s too (the one I utilize is nice for images). It is also helpful to keep a word processing document of posts, which I just copy and paste when I am ready to share online. I know there are lots of suggestions on blogging, I just focus on posting when I can and follow standard writing conventions (be concise and authentic). Try starting small and allow yourself to grow, putting yourself out there and creating can be daunting … we need more creative energy and I hope this helps.
I am glad you made a mistake and thank you for the kind words!
I have a Contact page with limited information to reduce Spam. Feel free to use the Contact page instead of leaving a comment from the blog, I can then share additional information in a non-public forum. After reading your comment I did edit the Contact page to include the part of the world where I reside, so thanks for prompting the change.
Hi, I do include images and videos on all my posts, “great graphics” is subjective, maybe I am not understanding your question.